Monday, January 30, 2017

Forgiven people need to be forgiving people.

Ps103:12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our
transgressions from us. Matt6:12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we have
forgiven our debtors[letting go of both the wrong and the resentment].

Forgiven people need to be forgiving people. There have been many things
that have happened to me throughout my life, by other people, that hurt me
deeply, hurt me to the core of who I am. Trust has been lost for many
different reasons. Some physical, also emotional, and financial. Getting
past the pain is not quick or easy. Bitterness has set in at times because
I remember the wrong and have resentment. Some of the situations were
because I was lied too and deceived. Others were entirely my fault, I saw
the "red flags" and went along for the ride. Over my years as a Christian,
I have come to understand forgiveness. I know that I am forgiven so I find
it easier to forgive others. In all honesty, I still feel bitterness at
times but it fades as I pray. My biggest struggle, my challenge, is to
forgive myself for my willful sins against God. I am thankful that He cast
ours sins East and West instead of North and South. North and South have
ending points, not East to West. Praise God that He is more forgiving than
we are.


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