Monday, January 16, 2017

Phillipians 1 Is your fruit 🍉 repulsing or attracting?

25Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26so that through my coming to you again, your exultation in Christ Jesus will resound on account of me.

Who is your teacher in Christ Jesus?
And who does your exultation in Christ Jesus will resound on account of?

Brethren, think about these questions for a moment! Are you just floundering in the water of life day by day, doing the breath stroke as you lift your head above the waves? How do you sustain yourself?

Or do you have someone who teaches you daily so you are grounded in the word, so firmly that no matter what life throws at you, no mater how big the waves are, you stand firm in Christ Jesus for your progress and joy in the faith?

I believe the majority of Christians don't take the time to get into the Bible to read the word. You can usually discern who they are by their actions and their fruit. They are the ones giving Christians a bad name, turning away the ungodly from Christianity forever!

I personally know someone that I was trying to bring to Christ but because of the actions of two other Christians and their selfish ambitions, he said if that is what being a Christian is about I want no part of it!

Are you floundering or standing firm? Is you fruit rotting (repulsing) or ripening (attracting) others to Christ?

Blessings, David

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