Tuesday, January 31, 2017

He paid a debt He did not owe!

Isaiah53:2  For He [the Servant of God] grew up before Him like a tender
shoot (plant), And like a root out of dry ground; He has no *stately* form
or *majestic* splendor That we would look at Him, Nor [handsome] appearance
that we would be attracted to Him.

What is it about Jesus that draws so many to Him? For the Christian today,
we love Him beyond measure, but why? According to the scriptures, He was an
average guy by appearance. For me, it has never been about what He wasn't,
it is all about who HE is. We read of the miracles, the healings, feeding
of the thousands, compassion and care for the people. Could that be it?
What about Jesus fulfilling over 300 Old Testament prophecies? What about
His sacrifice upon the cross? I believe that all of these things are part
of it. Jesus is, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace, Son of God, the Word of Life, the Way and so much more. I
believe that more of it is that God loved us so much that He became like
us, so that we could learn what it takes to be more like Him. The
selflessness He exampled for us in a selfish world. I look at all He did
for me and am just blown away. We paint pictures in our minds of who He is
that we fall in love with. I look forward with expectancy to see my Lord
Jesus face to face. I am very thankful to Jesus for all that He did for me.
He paid a debt He did not owe, because I owe a debt that I cannot pay. I
know what drew me to Jesus, He has the face of love and the heart of


Does heaven have walls, gates and guards?

Revelation 21: 10So he took me in the Spiritb to a great, high mountain, and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. 11It shone with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious stone—like jasper as clear as crystal. 12The city wall was broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates. 13There were three gates on each side—east, north, south, and west. 14The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
15The angel who talked to me held in his hand a gold measuring stick to measure the city, its gates, and its wall. 16When he measured it, he found it was a square, as wide as it was long. In fact, its length and width and height were each 1,400 miles.c 17Then he measured the walls and found them to be 216 feet thickd(according to the human standard used by the angel).
18The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, as clear as glass. 19The wall of the city was built on foundation stones inlaid with twelve precious stones:ethe first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, 20the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.
21The twelve gates were made of pearls—each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass.
22I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. 24The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. 25Its gates will never be closed at the end of day because there is no night there. 26And all the nations will bring their glory and honor into the city. 27Nothing evilf will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Notice this verse: 12The city wall was broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. Yes the city in heaven has a broad and high wall with twelve gates and is guarded by twelve angels.

But what are the angels guarding it from? 27Nothing evilf will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty...

If God protects the city of heaven and the city's in the Old Testament had walls and gates for protection, can our nation continue with open borders? 
Does our nation have a right to build a wall to keep out drugs and illegal immigration?

Brethren, regarding the protesters and the news media ask yourself this one question. Are they pleasing to God by their actions, words (honesty), and hypocrisy?

Pray about these things and wait on The Lord to provide you with an answer.

Philippians 4 May the God of peace be with you!

8And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

Christian, do you fix your eyes on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable?

Do you think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise?

Paul was a teacher who gave, taught, and led by example. 
Who is your teacher and do they follow Paul's example?

May the God of peace will be with you!

Blessings, David 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Plan B. Matthew 1:17-25

Matthew 1:17-25
All those listed above include fourteen generations from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the Babylonian exile, and fourteen from the Babylonian exile to the Messiah.
The Birth of Jesus the Messiah
18 This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly.
20 As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. 21 And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
22 All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord’s message through his prophet:
23 “Look! The virgin will conceive a child!
    She will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel,
    which means ‘God is with us.’”
24 When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. 25 But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named him Jesus
I should have included verse 17 with yesterday's devotion. I like how neat it is with 3 sets of 14 generations. That's 42 generations, most of us can only go back a couple of "greats". I read the Jewish people kept meticulous genealogical records. 
Matthew traces the lineage of Jesus through Joseph's lineage, Jesus's earthly father, His "step father" so to speak. 
It must have been difficult for Joseph. He was engaged to be married and his betrothed comes up pregnant! He KNOWS it's not HIS baby! People are going to gossip! 
Then, an angel came to him and said "Don't worry, marry her anyway"! What could Joseph do? He could have run for the hills, he could have had Mary stoned for adultery, he could have gone with plan "A" which was to "break the engagement quietly ". 
Instead Joseph decides to go with plan "B". The plan the angel gave him. Joseph decided to believe what the angel told him. He decided to have faith, to "step out of the boat". He married  Mary, named the child Jesus and  raised Him as his own son. 
That took a lot of courage. That took a lot of faith. That took a lot of love on his part. Love for Mary, love for her baby and most if all, love for God. 
Blessings, Cecilia 

Forgiven people need to be forgiving people.

Ps103:12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our
transgressions from us. Matt6:12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we have
forgiven our debtors[letting go of both the wrong and the resentment].

Forgiven people need to be forgiving people. There have been many things
that have happened to me throughout my life, by other people, that hurt me
deeply, hurt me to the core of who I am. Trust has been lost for many
different reasons. Some physical, also emotional, and financial. Getting
past the pain is not quick or easy. Bitterness has set in at times because
I remember the wrong and have resentment. Some of the situations were
because I was lied too and deceived. Others were entirely my fault, I saw
the "red flags" and went along for the ride. Over my years as a Christian,
I have come to understand forgiveness. I know that I am forgiven so I find
it easier to forgive others. In all honesty, I still feel bitterness at
times but it fades as I pray. My biggest struggle, my challenge, is to
forgive myself for my willful sins against God. I am thankful that He cast
ours sins East and West instead of North and South. North and South have
ending points, not East to West. Praise God that He is more forgiving than
we are.


Philippians 4 Do you experience Gods peace?

4Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.
6Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Do you have Gods peace?
Or do you worry about everything?
It's a simple choice, leave it to God or leave it to Mr Worry. God will give you peace and Mr Worry will give you more!

Do you pray about everything? It's also a simple choice and you can do it while you work. Lift your cares up to God, He's listening!

I remember when I broke my wrist and I needed surgery. I lifted up to the Lord and asked for peace. When I went to the hospital I had so much peace, I was totally relaxed. During the operation the doctor woke me up yelling, David wake up and stop snoring I'm at a crucial point! If I didn't have Gods peace I would have worried to death about this operation! I think it was funny that I was sleeping and snoring as they only numbed my arm.

What worries do you have today that you could pray about and ask for peace? Thank Him for everything, your roof over your head, clothing, food, income etc.
Lift your worries up to Him and feel His peace overcome you!

Dear Heavenly Father I lift up all those reading this devotional and I ask that whatever worries they have today that You give them peace and comfort. And when they receive it, remind them that it was You!
In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Blessings, David

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Father knows best, before you act, ask!

Acts5:29 Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than
men [we have no other choice].

Cold hearted people who act like angels. Recently I have been contacted by
many different people from around the world and some from my very own city
asking for something. They tell me of their situation and the needs that
they have. My response is that I will pray and seek God about helping and
more importantly I will be praying for them to feel God's presence, peace,
and direction. I also let them know that I will be praying that God will
provide for their needs in one way or another. For some, they accept it and
join with me in prayer. For others, their hearts get hardened. Hardened
against me and probably against God. God answers prayers with 3 answers.
Yes, No, and Wait I have something better for you. Yes is good. No, can be
challenging to accept. Wait, is the one that gives me the most difficulty.
To give someone what they want is not always what they need from God.
Father knows best. Before you act, ask.


Imperfect People. Matthew 1:1-16 (NLT)

Matthew 1:1-16 (NLT)
The Ancestors of Jesus the Messiah
1 This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham:
Abraham was the father of Isaac.
Isaac was the father of Jacob.
Jacob was the father of Judah and his brothers.
Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah (whose mother was Tamar).
Perez was the father of Hezron.
Hezron was the father of Ram.
Ram was the father of Amminadab.
Amminadab was the father of Nahshon.
Nahshon was the father of Salmon.
Salmon was the father of Boaz (whose mother was Rahab).
Boaz was the father of Obed (whose mother was Ruth).
Obed was the father of Jesse.
Jesse was the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon (whose mother was Bathsheba, the widow of Uriah).
Solomon was the father of Rehoboam.
Rehoboam was the father of Abijah.
Abijah was the father of Asa.
Asa was the father of Jehoshaphat.
Jehoshaphat was the father of Jehoram.
Jehoram was the father of Uzziah.
Uzziah was the father of Jotham.
Jotham was the father of Ahaz.
Ahaz was the father of Hezekiah.
10 Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh.
Manasseh was the father of Amon.
Amon was the father of Josiah.
11 Josiah was the father of Jehoiachin and his brothers (born at the time of the exile to Babylon).
12 After the Babylonian exile:
Jehoiachin was the father of Shealtiel.
Shealtiel was the father of Zerubbabel.
13 Zerubbabel was the father of Abiud.
Abiud was the father of Eliakim.
Eliakim was the father of Azor.
14 Azor was the father of Zadok.
Zadok was the father of Akim.
Akim was the father of Eliud.
15 Eliud was the father of Eleazar.
Eleazar was the father of Matthan.
Matthan was the father of Jacob.
16 Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary.
Mary gave birth to Jesus, who is called the Messiah.
I know our tendency is to zone out and skim over the names when we see a list like this, especially when they are as hard to pronounce as some of these! But in order to study the lineage of Jesus, God wants us to understand a simple point. He used imperfect people to create a perfect Son. The people and their imperfections are important. If the weren't, He wouldn't have included them here. 
Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah (whose mother was Tamar). Tamar was Judah's daughter in law. Judah had lied to Tamar so Tamar tricked Judah as payback. Genesis 38.
5 Salmon was the father of Boaz (whose mother was Rahab). Rahab was a former  prostitute from Jericho. Joshua 6
6 David was the father of Solomon (whose mother was Bathsheba, the widow of Uriah). David had an affair with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed to cover it up. 2 Samuel 11. 
If God could use these people and their imperfections, He can use you. If God could bless these people, despite their imperfections, He can bless you. You just have to yield to Him so He can. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Philippians 4 How will your light shine?

1Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters,a stay true to the Lord. I love you and long to see you, dear friends, for you are my joy and the crown I receive for my work.
Words of Encouragement
2Now I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement. 3And I ask you, my true partner,b to help these two women, for they worked hard with me in telling others the Good News. They worked along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are written in the Book of Life.

Do you take the time to read this morning devotional? If not do you take daily time with God? I ask because you are my joy and the crown I receive for my work. But if you don't take the time to read this how would you know!

Paul was concerned about a disagreement between two sisters of Christ who worked hard telling others the Good News. Did they not listen to what they preached? Why didn't they love each other as Christ does?
I think because they were effective Satan found a wedge and drove it in between them.

Brethren do you have a disagreement with anyone? Jesus was clear on what you must do! Forgive!
It doesn't mean you have to restore a relationship if you lost all trust, just forgive before bitterness takes root and others see you as Euodia and Syntyche.

Do you know of a disagreement between any brothers or sisters in Christ?
Can you be a partner to help resolve it? If you can, remember to speak softly and out of love.

The world is watching you.
How will your light shine?

Blessings, David

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Train up a child in the way they shall go!

Prov22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek
God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old
he will not depart from it.

When I was a child, I cannot ever remember praying "for" someone else. I
was only really concerned about what was going on outside. I look back over
my life and see many different seasons. I look at the examples of some of
the people that I have followed and the impact that they made on my life. I
also look at those that have followed after me, before I knew Jesus, and
have seen the destruction and chaos that I left in the wake. As a
Christian, I desire to see the legacy that I am leaving behind. Last night
I saw another part of it, something different. My 4 year old
grand-daughter, Trinytee Fayth loves to dance. She always wants to "Shake"
and "Day", dance to Shake by Mercy Me and From The Day by I Am They.
Usually after dancing I pray and she goes to bed. Recently, I have not been
feeling well, and it seems as if it has been on and off for awhile.
Trinytee Fayth has seen this, not knowing what is going on, and wanted to
pray for me. She prayed, "Pa's got a cold Jesus, make him better, amen".
She has seen the healing power of God when I have prayed for her. There is
no greater legacy that I can think of to leave behind than one of a child
who has faith, prays to God and expects an answer. Praise God for little
children who show us what true, pure, and honest love is all about.


Mortality Hit Us In The Face. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
I'm feeling a little disheartened today. One friend is by her mama's side as she prepares to go to Jesus and another friend is in the hospital facing open heart surgery on Monday. In a week I will travel to Florida to visit my step mom. Although I enjoy our time together, it is emotionally difficult because I miss my dad who died in 2013. 
Outwardly we are wasting away. Our hair grays, arthritis reminds us we are aging, our hearts wear out. Those we love die. Eventually we will too. Mortality hits us in the face. 
If we have our hope in Christ, death is only the beginning. Sure, we miss people when they are gone but we live with the knowledge we will see them again someday. We morn our loss of them, we miss their smile, their laugh, their company. 
But we rejoice. We rejoice they are in the presence of our Lord. We rejoice they have finally found peace. We rejoice they have finally found rest.  We rejoice they are out of their pain. 
Please pray with me for Bridget and Sandy. Bridget, one of my newest friends, as she releases her mama to Jesus and Sandy, one of my long time friends, as she goes through open heart surgery in Monday. Pray for Gods healing power in both of their lives. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Philippians 3 Press forward towards heaven!

15Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. 16But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.

17Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. 18For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. 19They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. 20But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 21He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.

When you seek God with all your heart, He will show you the way.
Have you ever been troubled, and opened your bible, and a verse stuck out to you?
That is God making it plain to you.

So how do we pattern our lives? Like Paul, like Jesus. Be humble and loving, helping the orphans and widows in Jesus' name. Love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Strive for perfection, pressing forward but realize you will fall short of that goal.
Don't put on a show for man while thinking of things of this earth as it will lead to destruction.

You are a citizen of the greatest city in the universe!
Be an ambassador of that city welcoming others on the way.
One day He will take your weak, sick, hurting mortal body and in an instant turn into a glorious body like his own.

I look forward to seeing you in the Heavenly City with our Lord Jesus Christ! I pray you press forward towards that goal!

Blessings, David

Friday, January 27, 2017

Sin, filthy rags!

Isaiah64:6 For we all have become like one who is [ceremonially] unclean
[like a leper], And all our deeds of righteousness are like filthy rags; We
all wither and decay like a leaf, And our wickedness [our sin, our
injustice, our wrongdoing], like the wind, takes us away [carrying us far
from God’s favor, toward destruction].
Romans5:8 But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact
that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Speed Trap. You are driving down the road and see a motorcycle cop, for
most people, even if you are doing the speed limit, you still slow down. I
have heard it said, that if the penalty for sin was paid immediately there
would be less sin. There are always consequences to sin and no one is
sinless according to the scriptures. Isaiah tells us that we are unclean
like a leper and that our righteousness is like "filthy rags". Leviticus
explains the way they covered sin by a blood sacrifice. It was gruesome.
Take one of your best animals before God, put your hand on its head and cut
its throat. We have all be headed toward destruction. Paul wrote in Romans
that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Thank God His mercy is
new everyday. Dear Heavenly Father, I confess that I have sinned and I know
that my sin has separated me from you. I also understand that I can be
forgiven by the death of Jesus upon the cross. I invite you to help me
surrender my life to your will, I turn from my sin, so that I can live for
you with everything that I am, in Jesus precious and powerful name, amen.


Stop Ignoring Him. Acts 9:1-9 (NLT)

Acts 9:1-9 (NLT)
Saul’s Conversion
Meanwhile, Saul was uttering threats with every breath and was eager to kill the Lord’s followers. So he went to the high priest.He requested letters addressed to the synagogues in Damascus, asking for their cooperation in the arrest of any followers of the Way he found there. He wanted to bring them—both men and women—back to Jerusalem in chains.
As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?”
“Who are you, lord?” Saul asked.
And the voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting!Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
The men with Saul stood speechless, for they heard the sound of someone’s voice but saw no one! Saul picked himself up off the ground, but when he opened his eyes he was blind. So his companions led him by the hand to Damascus. He remained there blind for three days and did not eat or drink.
Some of us have experienced events that have forever altered the course of our lives. It could have been the break up of a family, a life altering accident or an act of violence against us or a loved one. They have smacked us in the face and forced us to choose a path. Do we go to the left or the right? Do we cross a mountain range or a valley? Do we choose to go forward with Jesus or without? 
One such event for me was the sudden death of my mother when I was 16. Unfortunately, I choose the hard road for a long time afterwards. But Jesus wouldn't leave me there. He kept pursuing me until I couldnt ignore Him any longer. I guess you could say He knocked me off my donkey.
If you're still on the ground, open your eyes. Let Jesus help you up and knock the dust off you. He'll walk you down the road of healing, He'll carry you if you need Him to. One thing is sure, He wont stop pursuing you until you stop ignoring Him. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Philippians 3 Keep pressing towards the goal!

Pressing toward the Goal
12I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it,d but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

How many of us can say we are perfect and lead a sinless life since coming to Christ?
Do you dwell on your sinful past?

Brethren, Satan would love to throw mud in your face! Don't give him an inch by reminding you of your sinful past. You are forgiven!

As Paul did, we need to focus on living a life like Jesus would want us to live. We are not perfect, we will sin everyday but when we recognize sin, we repent and keep focused on the prize. We will never reach perfection but we must try to drive for it just as Paul tried.

Continue and "press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us"!

Keep pressing towards the goal!

Which crown will you earn as a prize?

Blessings, David

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Please pray for me!

Rom15:30 I urge you, believers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of
the Spirit, to join together with me in your prayers to God in my behalf
2Tim4:7 I have fought the good and worthy and noble fight, I have finished
the race, I have kept the faith [firmly guarding the gospel against error].

"Please pray for me" are words that I hear from others and yet very rarely
ask. There are battles that we all face everyday that can be challenging
and that we don't understand. There are many people that we look at as
being strong in the faith, and don't really see that they are smiling
through pain, crying when no one sees, and fighting battles that only God
knows about. Recently I have experienced many different challenges,
physical, mental and emotional. I know that there are others that are
suffering a lot more than I. Recently I saw a man that was just diagnosed
with Leukemia, and I have a friend that is bi-polar and suffers depression,
and have met many that are homeless. I am not asking prayers for myself of
healing, clarity of mind or focus, or prosperity and fortune. I am asking
and will offer to any who want, prayer to fight the good fight of faith and
to finish the race set before us. May our Lord Jesus Christ help each of
His children to keep the faith, endure to the end no matter what we are
facing, by the power of Holy Spirit, in Jesus precious and powerful name,


The Awe in Awesome. Mark 10:13-16

Mark 10:13-16
Jesus Blesses the Children
13 One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so He could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering Him.
14 When Jesus saw what was happening, He was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” 16 Then He took the children in His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them.
Jesus said "For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children." So what does He mean by that? Have you ever had a child look at you with wide eyes, with complete focus, really listening to what you say? They are trusting what you are telling them. They believe you because they believe in you. 
That's child like faith. That's the faith we need to believe in Jesus. It's not some complicated structure of laws and rules, it's not a bunch of steps we have to take in order to be saved. Its humbling our heart and mind to the simplicity of a child so we can fully experience the awe in awesome and the wonder in wondrous that is our God. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Philippians 3 What does your life count for?

5I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin—a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law. 6I was so zealous that I harshly persecuted the church. And as for righteousness, I obeyed the law without fault.
7I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. 8Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ 9and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ.cFor God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. 10I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, 11so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!

Paul paints a picture of his upbringing as a Hebrew, a Pharisee and a zealot, but all that was he counted as worthless garbage because of what Christ has done! He persecuted the church, and even murdered.  

But when he saw the Light he discarded everything for Jesus Christ the Lord. He became righteous through faith, he wanted to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead! Paul was to suffer with Him, sharing in His death so that he (Paul) could experience the resurrection of the dead.

Brethren, you too will experience all these things as a faithful follower of Christ!
With faith, you experience His pain and suffering on the cross for you!
With faith in Jesus all your life prior will be counted as worthless garbage, forgiven because of Christ's sacrifice!
With faith, you too will experience the resurrection of the dead with ever lasting life!

Thank Paul for showing us the Way.
Thank Jesus for being the Way.
Thank God for giving us a Way.

Most of all thank Jesus for the Way, the Truth and the Life.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Blessings, David

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Praise Him Through The Storm. Job 6:1-13 (NLT)

Job 6:1-13 (NLT)
Job’s Second Speech: A Response to Eliphaz
Then Job spoke again:
“If my misery could be weighed
    and my troubles be put on the scales,
they would outweigh all the sands of the sea.
    That is why I spoke impulsively.
For the Almighty has struck me down with His arrows.
    Their poison infects my spirit.
    God’s terrors are lined up against me.
Don’t I have a right to complain?
    Don’t wild donkeys bray when they find no grass,
    and oxen bellow when they have no food?
Don’t people complain about unsalted food?
    Does anyone want the tasteless white of an egg?
My appetite disappears when I look at it;
    I gag at the thought of eating it!
“Oh, that I might have my request,
    that God would grant my desire.
I wish He would crush me.
    I wish He would reach out His hand and kill me.
10 At least I can take comfort in this:
    Despite the pain,
    I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
11 But I don’t have the strength to endure.
    I have nothing to live for.
12 Do I have the strength of a stone?
    Is my body made of bronze?
13 No, I am utterly helpless,
    without any chance of success.
Verse 10 states "At least I can take comfort in this: Despite the pain, I have not denied the words of the Holy One." Even though Job was in excruciating pain, he had lost everything , all his children, all his wealth and his wife and friends seemed to have turned against him, he still honored God. 
It's easy to praise God when things are going well, but do we praise Him in the midst of our agony? Job complained to God but did not sin. He didn't cuss at God, he didn't shake his fist at God, he didn't walk away from God. He had not "denied the words of the Holy One." 
When the going gets tough, get going to God. Go to Him in prayer, go to Him in praise, go to Him in trust that He knows what He's doing. Praise Him through the storm. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Not my will, but Yours be done!

Luke22:42 saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine
wrath] from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.”

If God takes you to it, He will take you through it. There are many things
that we go through everyday that we stop and ask "Why?". Why did I get
sick? Why did I lose my job? Why is my life so difficult? Why did someone
that I love die? I do not know all the answers, but I know who does, God,
and I trust Him. Sometimes, as we go through life, that is all we do, go
through. I have learned that whatever I go through that God has a purpose.
I admit, that I am not always "Happy", but I try to have joy in my trials.
I look in the scriptures and read of saints that died, Isaiah was sawed in
half, John the Baptist was beheaded, Stephen was stoned, and there were so
many more. I pray for boldness to proclaim the Gospel, the Good News of the
Lord Jesus till my dying day. I pray for endurance to finish the race
strong. I pray for strength to stand up and fight for what is right. I ask
for wisdom to know what to do and how to do it all by Holy Spirit's
guidance. I ask for the ability to say to God, "not My will, but [always]
Yours be done.” I pray this for myself and for all the saints, in Jesus
precious and powerful name, amen.


Philippians 3 Are the dogs 🐶 nipping at your heals?

The Priceless Value of Knowing Christ
1Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters,a rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith.
2Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved. 3For we who worship by the Spirit of Godbare the ones who are truly circumcised. We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort, 4though I could have confidence in my own effort if anyone could. Indeed, if others have reason for confidence in their own efforts, I have even more!

Safe guarding your faith, watching out for those dogs!
Paul doesn't mince words here. He goes on to say, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved.
Brethren we must be careful of those dogs who put conditions on Christ's free gift of salvation! They tell you you have to attend church on the sabbath, you have to be baptized or you have to do this or that to obtain "true" salvation.

Yes if you truly worship by the Spirit of God you are truly circumcised in Gods eyes.  
We rely on what Jesus Christ has done on the cross for us and put no confidence in any human effort regarding salvation!

I can only have confidence in my own efforts when they are guided by the Holy Spirit.
Any and all of my efforts without the Holy Spirit are futile! It's akin to spitting in the wind!

When you walk out your door today into our cruel world ask the Holy Spirit to guide your efforts, otherwise your efforts will be futile and the dogs will surround you while nipping at your heals.

Dear Heavenly Father I pray that build up and safeguard the faith in Christ of those reading this devotional today. Keep the dogs away from them and their loved ones. Keep your hand of protection over them and protect them from the cruelties of this world.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Blessings, David

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Healing Power Of Jesus. 2 Kings 5:1-13

2 Kings 5:1-13 (NLT)
The Healing of Naaman
The king of Aram had great admiration for Naaman, the commander of his army, because through him the Lord had given Aram great victories. But though Naaman was a mighty warrior, he suffered from leprosy.
At this time Aramean raiders had invaded the land of Israel, and among their captives was a young girl who had been given to Naaman’s wife as a maid. One day the girl said to her mistress, “I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria. He would heal him of his leprosy.”
So Naaman told the king what the young girl from Israel had said. “Go and visit the prophet,” the king of Aram told him. “I will send a letter of introduction for you to take to the king of Israel.” So Naaman started out, carrying as gifts 750 pounds of silver, 150 pounds of gold, and ten sets of clothing. The letter to the king of Israel said: “With this letter I present my servant Naaman. I want you to heal him of his leprosy.”
When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes in dismay and said, “Am I God, that I can give life and take it away? Why is this man asking me to heal someone with leprosy? I can see that he’s just trying to pick a fight with me.”
But when Elisha, the man of God, heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes in dismay, he sent this message to him: “Why are you so upset? Send Naaman to me, and he will learn that there is a true prophet here in Israel.”
So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and waited at the door of Elisha’s house. 10 But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message: “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy.”
11 But Naaman became angry and stalked away. “I thought he would certainly come out to meet me!” he said. “I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord his God and heal me! 12 Aren’t the rivers of Damascus, the Abana and the Pharpar, better than any of the rivers of Israel? Why shouldn’t I wash in them and be healed?” So Naaman turned and went away in a rage.
13 But his officers tried to reason with him and said, “Sir, if the prophet had told you to do something very difficult, wouldn’t you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply, ‘Go and wash and be cured!’” 14 So Naaman went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child, and he was healed!
Naaman thought himself to be so important that he expected Elisha should come out and greet him. He expected to be able to buy healing. Naaman also became indignant when told to do something as simple as dipping in a dirty river seven times. He hadn't yet understood the healing power of the Lord. 
God showed his power to Naaman through the simple act of dipping seven times in the Jordan River. It  wasn't the dipping in the river that healed Naaman but faith that in doing so, he would be healed. 
The simple act of accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour can heal us too. Not physically, although I believe that is possible, through prayer, if it's God's will to physically heal us. No, the healing I'm talking about is spiritual healing, healing from our mistakes, healing from our sins, healing from our disbelief. 
It just takes a little faith, faith the size of a mustard seed. Faith that when we trust Jesus, He can heal us. Childlike faith of awe and wonder at the miracle healing of Jesus. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Who am I living to please?

1Cor 2:2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus
Christ and Him crucified. Gal 6:14 But God forbid that I should boast
except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been
crucified to me, and I to the world.

There are so many questions that we all must deal with everyday. What do I
want to be remembered for, my pursuit of God or my appetite for sin? What
do others see in me, Jesus or the world? Who am I living to please? For
many, we boast about our homes, our jobs, our family, and so many other
things. I realize that we need to eat, and yet I know for myself, I have
gotten distracted from the purpose that I believe that I am called to. We
are to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We are to boast in nothing else
but the cross of Christ. I read, anyone can wear a cross, the question is,
can you bear one? The Christian walk is not easy, one thing I do know for
sure, it is worth it. Dear Heavenly Father, please help Your children
remember the cross, preach the Gospel, and love the people. Help us to live
in a way that is pleasing to You in all that we do. Help us to empty
ourselves of ourselves and fill us with Holy Spirit, in Jesus precious and
powerful name, amen.


Philippians 2 Who do you commend?

Paul Commends Epaphroditus
25Meanwhile, I thought I should send Epaphroditus back to you. He is a true brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier. And he was your messenger to help me in my need. 26I am sending him because he has been longing to see you, and he was very distressed that you heard he was ill. 27And he certainly was ill; in fact, he almost died. But God had mercy on him—and also on me, so that I would not have one sorrow after another.
28So I am all the more anxious to send him back to you, for I know you will be glad to see him, and then I will not be so worried about you. 29Welcome him with Christian lovef and with great joy, and give him the honor that people like him deserve. 30For he risked his life for the work of Christ, and he was at the point of death while doing for me what you couldn’t do from far away.

How many of us have known a person such as Epaphroditus?
Someone who is a Christian soldier who is always there by your side leading others to Christ.
Then they become ill and are unable to be a worker in Christ. You miss them and pray for them and the Lord willing they return to you.

And when they returned you welcome him or her with Christian love and with great joy, and give him the honor that people like him or her deserve.
I can honestly say the chaplains I had the pleasure of working with at the Arizona State Veterans Home fit this category as Epaphroditus did. When a chaplain couldn't attend on Friday's to make rounds we all missed them. If they were ill we prayed for them.

Most importantly, the veterans would miss them and rejoice when they returned.

Do you have a Epaphroditus in your life, a co-worker in Christ but haven't expressed the Christian love for them as Paul did towards his fellow Christian soldier Epaphroditus? Then express it today for you don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Blessings, David

Monday, January 23, 2017

Where We Shouldn't Be. Judges 16:4-13 (NLT)

Where We Shouldn't Be
Judges 16:4-13 (NLT)
Samson and Delilah
4 Some time later Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah, who lived in the valley of Sorek. 5 The rulers of the Philistines went to her and said, “Entice Samson to tell you what makes him so strong and how he can be overpowered and tied up securely. Then each of us will give you 1,100 pieces of silver.”
6 So Delilah said to Samson, “Please tell me what makes you so strong and what it would take to tie you up securely.”
7 Samson replied, “If I were tied up with seven new bowstrings that have not yet been dried, I would become as weak as anyone else.”
8 So the Philistine rulers brought Delilah seven new bowstrings, and she tied Samson up with them. 9 She had hidden some men in one of the inner rooms of her house, and she cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” But Samson snapped the bowstrings as a piece of string snaps when it is burned by a fire. So the secret of his strength was not discovered.
10 Afterward Delilah said to him, “You’ve been making fun of me and telling me lies! Now please tell me how you can be tied up securely.”
11 Samson replied, “If I were tied up with brand-new ropes that had never been used, I would become as weak as anyone else.”
12 So Delilah took new ropes and tied him up with them. The men were hiding in the inner room as before, and again Delilah cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” But again Samson snapped the ropes from his arms as if they were thread.
13 Then Delilah said, “You’ve been making fun of me and telling me lies! Now tell me how you can be tied up securely.”
Samson replied, “If you were to weave the seven braids of my hair into the fabric on your loom and tighten it with the loom shuttle, I would become as weak as anyone else.”
So while he slept, Delilah wove the seven braids of his hair into the fabric. 14 Then she tightened it with the loom shuttle.  Again she cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” But Samson woke up, pulled back the loom shuttle, and yanked his hair away from the loom and the fabric.
15 Then Delilah pouted, “How can you tell me, ‘I love you,’ when you don’t share your secrets with me? You’ve made fun of me three times now, and you still haven’t told me what makes you so strong!” 16 She tormented him with her nagging day after day until he was sick to death of it.
17 Finally, Samson shared his secret with her. “My hair has never been cut,” he confessed, “for I was dedicated to God as a Nazirite from birth. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as anyone else.”
18 Delilah realized he had finally told her the truth, so she sent for the Philistine rulers. “Come back one more time,” she said, “for he has finally told me his secret.” So the Philistine rulers returned with the money in their hands. 19 Delilah lulled Samson to sleep with his head in her lap, and then she called in a man to shave off the seven locks of his hair. In this way she began to bring him down, and his strength left him.
20 Then she cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!”
When he woke up, he thought, “I will do as before and shake myself free.” But he didn’t realize the Lord had left him.
21 So the Philistines captured him and gouged out his eyes. They took him to Gaza, where he was bound with bronze chains and forced to grind grain in the prison.
22 But before long, his hair began to grow back.
Samson was where he shouldnt have been. Even though he had been blessed with great strength,  he had a weakness for beautiful women. He was blinded to Delilah's deception when it should have been quite obvious. As a result, he was blinded physically for the remainder of his life.
When we are where we shouldnt be and with people we shouldnt be with, it can lead to our destruction too. When Samson's hair was cut, he lost his strength and the Lord left him. Likewise, when we continue to be where we shouldn't, doing what we know we shouldn't, we shouldn't be surprised when the Holy Spirit leaves us to live with the consequences.
If you're blinded by your weaknesses, open your eyes to the Lord and let Him lead you to safety.
Blessings, Cecilia 

Philippians 2 Whom can you commend?

Paul Commends Timothy
19If the Lord Jesus is willing, I hope to send Timothy to you soon for a visit. Then he can cheer me up by telling me how you are getting along. 20I have no one else like Timothy, who genuinely cares about your welfare. 21All the others care only for themselves and not for what matters to Jesus Christ. 22But you know how Timothy has proved himself. Like a son with his father, he has served with me in preaching the Good News. 23I hope to send him to you just as soon as I find out what is going to happen to me here. 24And I have confidence from the Lord that I myself will come to see you soon.

Do you have someone who works along side of you that you can commend and have confidence in?
A brother or a sister that is always there supporting your mission from the Lord?

I had such brothers and sisters while serving at the Arizona State Veterans Home! They were always there, week after week supporting me, supporting the mission, supporting the other chaplains serving Christ and the veterans! We started out each going door to door in our assigned unit of 30 rooms then converging on the remaining unit working side by side serving Christ preaching the Good News.

I miss my brother and sister chaplains! But I am blessed to know they continue serving our Jesus. I am blessed to call them brothers and sisters and like Paul and Timothy they will always hold a special place in my heart.

Whom can you commend?

Blessings, David

Sunday, January 22, 2017


1Samuel 23:12 Then David asked, “Will the men of Keilah surrender me and my
men to Saul?” The Lord said, “They will surrender you.” 13 Then David and
his men, about six hundred, arose and left Keilah, and they went wherever
they could go.

H.A.L.T. There are many decisions that we make everyday that are done
without waiting upon the Lord. These decisions may only have small
consequences or may cause your life to change forever. We are to wait upon
the Lord for direction. Throughout 1 and 2 Samuel, David inquired of the
Lord 9 times. God gave David the direction, even when asked what the future
could hold. God knows the future. We must not make decisions when we are
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. We must H.A.L.T. and ask The One who knows
everything what we should do. The best way to know the Father's voice is to
spend time with Him. Spend time in His word, with Him in prayer and spend
time with His children. God is faithful, always has been and always will be.


Practice Patience. Genesis 16:1-2 (NLT)

Genesis 16:1-12 (NLT)
The Birth of Ishmael
16 Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had not been able to bear children for him. But she had an Egyptian servant named Hagar. So Sarai said to Abram, “The Lord has prevented me from having children. Go and sleep with my servant. Perhaps I can have children through her.” And Abram agreed with Sarai’s proposal. So Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar the Egyptian servant and gave her to Abram as a wife. (This happened ten years after Abram had settled in the land of Canaan.)
So Abram had sexual relations with Hagar, and she became pregnant. But when Hagar knew she was pregnant, she began to treat her mistress, Sarai, with contempt. Then Sarai said to Abram, “This is all your fault! I put my servant into your arms, but now that she’s pregnant she treats me with contempt. The Lord will show who’s wrong—you or me!”
Abram replied, “Look, she is your servant, so deal with her as you see fit.” Then Sarai treated Hagar so harshly that she finally ran away.
The Angel of the Lord found Hagar beside a spring of water in the wilderness, along the road to Shur. The Angel said to her, “Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where have you come from, and where are you going?”
“I’m running away from my mistress, Sarai,” she replied.
The Angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit to her authority.” 10 Then He added, “I will give you more descendants than you can count.”
11 And the Angel also said, “You are now pregnant and will give birth to a son. You are to name him Ishmael (which means ‘God hears’), for the Lord has heard your cry of distress. 12 This son of yours will be a wild man, as untamed as a wild donkey! He will raise his fist against everyone, and everyone will be against him. Yes, he will live in open hostility against all his relatives.”
God had promised Abram he would be the father of many nations yet Abram was still childless. He was tired of waiting for the Lord to fulfill His promise so he and his wife Sarai took matters into their own hands. It didnt turn out well. It caused strife between Abram and Sarai, the child Ismael and Hagar later get banned from Abrams presence and Ismael became the father of the Arab nation. Look at verse 12 again and thank Abram and Sarai! 
When we take matters into our own hands and try to rush what God is doing, it doesn't turn out well. Nonetheless, God can turn it into a lesson, He can even use our mistakes for His glory. 
If you're waiting for God to fulfill His promise, if you're waiting for God to use you, keep waiting. Don't rush it. The waiting is a period of preparation, it's a good time to practice patience. 
As a side note, it was Jesus who spoke to Hagar in the wilderness. How do we know? It was THE Angel of the Lord. That's Jesus. 
Blessings, Cecilia

Philippians 2 NLT Would you rejoice?

14Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. 16Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. 17But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God,e just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. 18Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.

As I read these verses I can't help to think of the groups protesting our new president going against the commands of God.
But we need to be reminded that Jesus loves them too, even if they reject His teachings, His love and His way.
Remember Saul who became Paul?

We must live innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights throughout the world holding firmly to the Word of life because we know what our future will be when we meet Christ. That our work, running the race for Him will not be in vain.

90,000 Christians lost their lives for Christ in 2016, poured out like a liquid offering to God,e

Would you rejoice and consider it joy if you lost your life for Christ?
Paul did!


Blessings, David

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How is your prayer life?

Matt7:7 “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep
on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will
be opened to you. James5:16... The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a
righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made
effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

How is your prayer life? Ask, seek and knock seem like simple words, simple
instructions, and yet there is so much more to them. As we look to the
deeper meaning, we find that it is not a one time event, it is a process
that is continual. And as we look to other scriptures, we find that there
is more that we need to realize. In James, we find that to accomplish much,
righteousness is needed. To have power in prayer, we must pray fervently
and have them be heartfelt. There are many times that I have prayed for
people, circumstances, healing, and so many other things and seen God work.
Prayer changes hearts, and many times it is of the one praying. Dear
Heavenly Father, please help Your children come boldly before the throne of
grace and seek Your heart, Your will for their lives. Answer the prayers of
the righteous and allow us to see Your power. In Jesus precious and
powerful name, amen.


Cant Fix Perfect. Revelation 22:1-5 (NLT)

Revelation 22:1-5 (NLT)
Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.
No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and His servants will worship Him. And they will see His face, and His name will be written on their foreheads. And there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.

As we grow older, our aches and pains increase. Some of us have parts that wear out and get replaced. A knee here, a hip there, a shoulder or open heart surgery to fix problems. Buildings age and get torn down, cars get replaced when there is no longer  hope for repair. The "good old days" cannot be recaptured, we look back and wonder where the time went. 
In contrast, in Heaven there is no more aches, no more pain. Our parts will never wear out or get replaced, our heart will be forever fixed on God. Nothing will age or need to be torn down. The "good old days" will go on forever. Time will be irrelevant. 
In this world we are always in need of repair. In Heaven we will have no need for repair because you cant fix perfect.  
Blessings, Cecilia

Philippians 2 NLT He has given you the power.

Shine Brightly for Christ
12Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

Work hard and show the results of your salvation.
Are you showing the results of your salvation everywhere you go?
How will others find Christ if you don't? You have a salvation story to tell, so tell how God lifted you out of your death spiral!

If you are not showing the results of your salvation are you obeying God with deep reverence and fear?

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Are you reluctant to please Him?
When He puts a desire on your heart do you follow it?
I can personally tell you when you do follow it He gives you a fulfillment only He can give.

Use the power He has given you and do what pleases Him.

Next time He gives you the desire to preach the Gospel to someone, do it!

Next time He gives you the desire to pray for someone, do it!

Next time He gives you the desire to help a widow or orphan, do it!

He has given you the power to do what pleases Him, use it!

Receive the fulfillment only He can provide!

Blessings, David

Friday, January 20, 2017

We are the family of God!

Acts21:17 When we arrived in Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters welcomed
us gladly. Romans 16:14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas,
Hermas, and the brothers who are with them.

Looking forward to the family reunion in heaven. There are many people that
I have come to know that I will probably never meet in person. They have
quickly become family because of a common bond, the Lord Jesus. For some,
it is a facade, and for others, you are truly genuine. For my brothers and
sister in Christ, I want to thank you for the encouragement that you have
given me. I also want you to know how much of a blessing it is to be able
to see the Lord Jesus reflected in what you do and who you are. Thanks to
Facebook and other social media, we come to learn a lot about each other.
We learn about family members, different countries, favorite foods, whether
or not you are a Packers fan, what each other does for work, hobbies and so
much more. One of my favorite things to see is the love that others have
for the Lord Jesus. Walter Winchell wrote, "A real friend is one who walks
in when the rest of the world walks out". May we be that kind of friend to
all those around us, whether we know them personally or not. We are the
family of God, may we love like it.


Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Heavens Door. Revelation 3:20

Revelation 3:20 NLT
"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends."
There's a book called "Dinner with a Perfect Stranger" by David Gregory. It's a story about a man who gets a dinner invitation from someone he doesn't know and out of curiosity, goes. The invitation is from Jesus. The man thought  he knew Jesus, he believes there is a Heaven and Hell, he believes in God and occasionally goes to church, weddings, funerals, Easter and Christmas. He believes he will go to Heaven when he dies, after all,  he has never murdered anyone, had an affair or robbed a bank. He's a good guy. 
By the end of the meal, he understands where he has fallen short. By the end of the meal, he wants more, another meal, another conversation, more time with Jesus. 
Is Jesus knocking on your door? Open it and let Him in and He will dine with you also. 
Blessings, Cecilia

He deposes kings and raises up others

Today I deviated from reading through the Bible because of the inauguration of president elect Trump and the subversive groups protesting (75 of them) and a news media hoping for an assassination.
We as Christians need to be reminded of Gods word of who he establishes in power and how He uses that power for His purposes. We also need to be reminded how we are to be subject to authorities.

Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

Romans 13:1  (NKJV)
Submit to Government
13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

Jeremiah 25:9 I will summon all the peoples of the north and my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon," declares the LORD, "and I will bring them against this land and its inhabitants and against all the surrounding nations. I will completely destroy them and make them an object of horror and scorn, and an everlasting ruin.

Romans 9:17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."

Jesus is the Supreme Ruler over the earth.
Revelation 19:16 Context: He has on his garment and on his thigh a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

"he deposes kings and raises up others" yes even presidents.

"every soul be subject to the governing authorities." Every means every, even you!

"authorities that exist are appointed by God."
Good or evil authorities!

"the LORD establishes their steps."
Yours, mine, kings and presidents!

" I will summon all the peoples of the north and my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,"
His servant! Who are we to judge whom God uses?

Jesus is the Supreme Ruler over the earth.
Jesus will be established as "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

Remember, God is in control.
He knows the heart of man.
He knows the future of men.
He knows how the earth will end.
He knows He will win.
Satan loses!

Is your knowledge discerning?

Please pray for our president Trump and his family, for our congress and senate.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Blessings, David

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lukewarm Coffee. Revelation 3:14-19

Revelation 3:14-19
The Message to the Church in Laodicea
14 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s new creation:
15 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. 18 So I advise you to buy gold from Me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from Me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. 19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
"The thief on the cross was cold towards Jesus and clearly saw his need. John was hot towards Jesus and enjoyed a relationship of love; but Judas was lukewarm, following Jesus enough to be considered a disciple, yet not giving his heart over to Jesus in fullness. Deep down, there is no one more miserable than the lukewarm Christian is. They have too much of the world to be happy in Jesus, but too much of Jesus to be happy in the world. " David Guzik
There is nothing worse then lukewarm coffee. I either want it hot so it must be sipped or iced to enjoy it's full flavor. Lukewarm coffee we just want to spit out!
If  we are on fire for Jesus we are serving Him and He can use us for His glory. If we are cold, there is still hope He can reach us. If we are lukewarm, well, that's the soul in the greatest danger. You're not motivated enough to serve God and complacent enough that Satan can still get ahold of you, just as he did Judas. 
What's your temperature? 
Blessings, Cecilia