Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Lord is my Shepherd!

Psalms 23 The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I
shall not want. 2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside
the still and quiet waters. 3 He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He
leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. 4 Even though I
walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil,
for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they
comfort and console me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of
my enemies. You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; My cup
overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me
all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days]
in the house and in the presence of the Lord.

There have been many parts of the Bible that were nothing more to me than
chants or mantras that I remember saying in the religion that I grew up in.
To me, the Lord's prayer, Psalms 23, and so many other words the we spoke
every week were nothing different than a nursery rhyme, like, Mary had a
little lamb..., or Twinkle, Twinkle little star... Since becoming a Born
Again believer, I look at these words a little different, I see the
personal relationship involved in them. A deep caring love from Almighty
God. As I look at Psalms 23, I see the Lord is MY Shepherd. He lets me lie
down, He leads, He refreshes, He restores, He is with us, He protects, He
prepares, He anoints, He does all the work, we just need to surrender to
His Lordship. We all will face hardship, pain, suffering and eventually
death, if Jesus does not come back soon. Through everything that will
happen to us, God will be with us, even in the valley of the shadow of
death. The end of this Psalm is a confident promise that we can have hope
in, "And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in
the presence of the Lord." Looking forward to that with great expectation!


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