Tuesday, February 7, 2017

God hears the prayers of His children.

Ps55:17 Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He
shall hear my voice.
1Peter3:12 “For the eyes of the Lord are [looking favorably] upon the
righteous (the upright), And His ears are attentive to their prayer (eager
to answer), But the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil.”

Did you think about me today, and if you did, did you pray for me? There
have been many times that people have asked me to pray for them and I
forgot. One day, when I realized that I failed them, whenever I was asked
to pray for someone, I stopped and did it right then and there. There are
many people that God lays on my heart to pray for. Sometimes He gives me
special reminders. A family member was working at a restaurant, I had no
idea what the future was about to hold for him, but God did. I was driving
by that place 4 times a day and I prayed for him. He attempted suicide at
least 3 times and failed. I mentioned this to a friend, he asked me to pray
for his friend Mike, a carnal Christian, he said he didn't want to be like
Mike. I thought about "Like Mike, and shoes. Famous Footwear was next to
the restaurant. Then for my kids step dad, to be nice. We were driving by a
store, Twice as Nice. For a nurse friend, Walgreens. Geoffrey said, Circle
K, because there are so many. What ever you use to remind you to pray,
pray. God hears the prayers of His children.


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