Saturday, February 25, 2017

1 Thessalonians 2 you have become beloved!

7On the contrary, we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother caring for her children. 8We cared so deeply that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our own lives as well. That is how beloved you have become to us.

Brethren when we share the Gospel we must be like a nursing mother caring for children. If you breathe fire and brimstone how many souls will you draw to Jesus Christ? Remember, in love and out of love. Share the Gospel and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
And when you share do you not use your testimony? Then you are sharing your life also, making converts to Christ and gaining brothers and sisters. How can you not become close to your family in Christ?
And yes, you have become beloved to me as well!

Blessings, David

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