Thursday, December 22, 2016

What is a soul worth?

Acts14:21 They preached the good news to that city and made many disciples,
then they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch,22 strengthening
and establishing the hearts of the disciples; encouraging them to remain
firm in the faith, saying, “It is through many tribulations and hardships
that we must enter the kingdom of God.”

Does anybody really care? Have you ever seen someone and knew that they
needed a word of encouragement and just walked on by? I have been guilty of
this very thing, and it has happened to me far to often. There are people
that come in and out of our lives all the time that need to be strengthened
and get an encouraging word, a prayer, to help them remain firm in their
faith or help them to develop it. In Acts 14 it says, “It is through many
tribulations and hardships that we must enter the kingdom of God.” Death,
divorce, adultery, alcoholism, drug addiction, loneliness are just a few of
the hardships people all around us are dealing with. To simply take a few
minutes out of your day, to talk to someone, may be just what they need to
have hope to survive and realize that Jesus really does love them and you
love them too. What is a soul worth? Whatever it takes to save it. There
are two things that most people hold onto tightly, time and money. What are
you investing in with what God has given you, your earthly kingdom or our
heavenly one? May we preach the good news in love with boldness and see
who's life will be changed.


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