Saturday, November 12, 2016

Jesus is my All in All!

Jer29:13 Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a
vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all
your heart.

Jesus is my All in All. There are many that look to other things to fulfill
them. People look to relationships, marriages, children, jobs, hobbies,
etc, to give them some feeling that will make them believe that they are
complete. Reality check, Jesus is the only one that will never let you
down. The major need that I have seen, that I have experienced in my own
life, is the need to feel loved and appreciated. As a new Christian, I
remember buying a CD by a guy named Eli, the title was, "The things I
prayed for". The thing I prayed for was to find someone that could love me
as much as I could love them. Some thing that I had never truly
experienced. I found that person in Jesus Christ. He loved me more. May we
set our hearts on Jesus, and experience the true love of God.


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