Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Galatians 5 Do you walk in the Spirit?

25If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.

We live by the Spirit through Jesus Christ. But walking by the Spirit is not easy as it goes against our human nature that you had since birth. And if you came to Christ later in life, old habits become harder to break. Rely on Jesus to transform your heart and a transformed heart is what helps you walk by the Spirit. Remember that Jesus looks into the heart of man.

26Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.
I repeat this verse but highlighted not.
Not boastful. Not challenging one another. Not envying one another.
These are human traits and the Galatians were good at them so Paul reminds and advises them do away with them.

What about you? Do you walk by the Spirit? Are you boastful? Do you challenge and envy people?

Let me put it this way. How many people do you know who claim to be Christians but don't act like it? They don't walk in the Spirit.

Examine yourself. Do others believe you are a Christian by your actions?
You are Gods ambassador, so behave like one!

Blessings, David

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