Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Galatians 4 Are you mortal?

8However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods. 9But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again? 10You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain.

Are you a slave to the world and its possessions? It is natural for us to gravitate back towards the world which surrounds us, desiring this or that. We have to be spiritual minded and focused on Jesus and His teachings.
"You observe days and months and seasons and years." As the world turns, the sun rises and the sun sets. We grow older, our parents die and we become mortal, our friends die and we drudge onward. Are you prepared to meet your maker? Are you holding on to the Promise?
Wake up before you go the way of those before you! Cast aside the things of this world and stay focused on the prize!
Don't let your life be in vain, serve Jesus before its too late. Our life is but a whisper.

Blessings, David

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