Monday, November 28, 2016

He is not wishing that any should perish!

Ez18:23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked,” says the Lord
God, “rather than that he should turn [away] from his [malevolent] acts and
live? 2Peter3:9 The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act]
*and* is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is
[extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for
all to come to repentance.

 Fidel Castro is dead! There are many that are celebrating his death. The
sad part is, there is a good possibility, that another soul has been lost
to the devil and ended up in hell. There are many that think only certain
types of people should be allowed to go to heaven. Only good people.
Reality check, according to the scriptures there is no one that deserves to
go to heaven. (ref. Romans 3:10, 3:23) There are definitely wicked people
in our world, people that do very bad things, but, who is anyone that they
should rejoice in the death of the wicked, if God does not rejoice in it?
God has also said, that vengeance is His, and that He is not wishing for
ANY to perish, but for ALL to come to repentance. Brethren, prayer is the
most powerful tool that we have to help save souls. I believe that if we
prayed more to God and complained less to each other, lives will be
changes. I also think, that for those that make it to heaven, they will be
amazed of who is there and probably a little more amazed of who isn't.


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