Sunday, June 11, 2017

You May Not Know. Matthew 30:19 NKJV

I've tried to find a story online I read years ago. It was about a preacher that held a tent revival and no one showed up. Instead of walking away in dismay, the preacher gave the gospel as if the tent were filled. He put his heart into it and taught with all the gusto he had.

Years later at a conference a young man came to him and thanked him for coming to his village to teach. The man told the preacher "You thought no one was there, you thought you were alone but I was watching and listening through a hole in the tent. At the end of your sermon, when you gave the alter call, I gave my life to Jesus. I then went home and recounted the sermon to my family and they were all saved. I then shared with others in our village the love of Jesus and the whole village was saved. Since then, I have become a pastor and continue to share the love of Jesus everywhere I go."

You may not know the impact you have on others until you get to heaven. Then, great will be your reward.

Matthew 30:19 NKJV

"But many who are first will be last, and the last first."

Blessings, Cecilia

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