Thursday, June 1, 2017

2+2=7 Matthew 17:22-23 NLT

On May 8th I received the first indication my friend Sandy was not going to recover. Every time I thought of life without her, I pushed the thought out of my head. I couldn't imagine it.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke reference Jesus telling the disciples three times of His pending death and resurrection. All three of these instances are the same three events. Recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks four different times of His death and resurrection. This means Jesus spoke to His disciples seven different times of His death and resurrection.

But the disciples didn't put two and two together until after His resurrection. Maybe because every time Jesus mentioned His death, the disciples could not  think of life without Him. It was just too hard to imagine. All they heard was the word "death". Little did they understand the best was yet to come with Jesus's resurrection.

Through Jesus's resurrection, He is still with us today. All you have to do is invite Him into your heart. Through Jesus's resurrection, I will see Sandy again.

Matthew 17:22-23 NLT

Jesus Again Predicts His Death

22 After they gathered again in Galilee, Jesus told them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of His enemies. 23 He will be killed, but on the third day He will be raised from the dead.” And the disciples were filled with grief.

Blessings, Cecilia

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