Saturday, June 3, 2017

We MUST surrender!

BE CAREFUL!!! These are words that should get our attention in every area
of our life, and more so, in the spiritual battle going on all around us. I
have seen many Christian's get comfortable where they are at in life, not
thinking about eternity and their relationship with Jesus as much as they
should, and just go with the flow. Sin is so subtle at times that you may
not even realize what you are doing, until it is to late. It says in *1 Cor
10:12 Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to
temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does
not fall [into sin and condemnation].* By reading God's word, we can learn
that there is no shades of gray, there is only truth and lies. It only
takes 1 drink, 1 lie, 1 click of the mouse, 1 idol in your life, to lead
you down a road of pain, shame and suffering, and it may not only be for
you, but it can be for your entire family as well. Therefore it says in
*Heb 12:1...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily
ensnares us...* The devil desires to destroy you. Jesus desires to guide,
protect, mediate, encourage, strengthen, and deliver you. We have been
given direct instructions and the consequences of not obeying God in His
Word, *Gen 4:7 If you do well [believing Me and doing what is acceptable
and pleasing to Me], will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well
[but ignore My instruction], sin crouches at your door; its desire is for
you [to overpower you], but you must master it.”* Jesus loved YOU enough to
die on the cross, for YOU. We MUST surrender our lives and earthly desires
at the foot of the cross today, so that we will be acceptable and be
pleasing to God from this day forward.


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