Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The words of eternal life!

There were many people in the days of Jesus as well as in today's society,
that walked with Jesus and then something happened, something changed. Many
did not understand what He was saying and the words that He spoke did not
mean as much as they use to. Jesus spoke of communion in the Gospel of
John, and afterward many left. Then, Jesus spoke clearly, *John 6:65 And He
said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it
has been granted to him by My Father.” 66 From that time many of His
disciples went back and walked with Him no more.* The time with Jesus was
not the most important thing in their life. In today's society, many have
very little time for Jesus and are going away from Him. They may say good
morning to Him, ask Him to bless their food, even say good night and thank
Him for "whatever" He did to help them through the day. In the midst of
their busyness, people get so wrapped up in everything else, sports, video
games, TV, movies, hobbies, work, and many other "things" they find as a
way of escape from the pressures of the day and even sacrifice priceless
family time to get away from it all. Families are separated from each other
to do their own thing without the regular interaction with each other and
more importantly with Jesus. Our lives should be continually walking with
Christ. Jesus is asking everyone, "Do you want to go away also?". What will
your answer be? Will it be the same as Simon Peter? *John 6:68 But Simon
Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of
eternal life.*


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