Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Why or What? Psalm 23:4a

Psalm 23 NASB
4a Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil

As a new Christian, when I first read this Psalm, I thought it literally referred to dying. Someone I loved dying or perhaps my own physical illness and eventual death. As I matured as a Christian, I began to understand its true meaning. The storms of life, the adversities we face. 

As Christians, we need no longer fear the trials. We should embrace the time for spiritual growth. Instead of asking "why" we should ask "what". What do You want me to learn from this? What are You trying to teach me? What should I take away from this experience?

For me "I fear no evil" is about acceptance. It is knowing in my core God is with me carrying me through the valley, delivering me to the other side. I just have to give Him my anxiety, my fear, my desire to control and accept that He is in control and everything will be alright.

We all go through valleys. We all have difficulties we need to work through. Who do we lean on when we enter a valley? Where do we go for support? Our first stop should be the Lord. 

Next time you find yourself  at a valley, first ask God to show you what He wants you to learn as you go through the valley. Then thank Him for going with you through the valley so that you don't have to fear. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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