Friday, September 23, 2016

Rest Equals Peace Psalm 23:2a

Psalm 23 NLT
2a He lets me rest in green meadows

In order for sheep to rest they must be at peace. Sheep have three requirements that must be met to be at peace. Abundant healthy grazing pasture, relief from pests and a feeling of safety and security. 

Likewise, we have requirements to be at peace.

If we are always striving for more, more money, more stuff, more time, trying to keep up with the the guy next door, believing the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, we cannot be content and have peace.

If we are "bugged" by something, it is hard for us to be content and relax enough to get a good night's rest. We toss and turn at night mulling over the events that have caused this unrest in our life. We tell everyone who will listen what happened hoping to bring them to our side, giving us a feeling of support and sympathy. Each time we retell the story, we bring more stress and anxiety on ourselves.

If we feel unsafe, either physically or emotionally, it us hard to be at peace. If we are trying to rest in a physically unsafe locating, we lie awake all night listening for sounds that would require us to be on our feet defending ourselves. 

Several times when camping we have camped in areas where bears were known to be active. Whether in a tent or camper, I could not sleep those nights listening for any sound of an approaching bear. None ever came. 

If we feel emotionally unsafe we cannot have peace. We have a fight with our spouse or our future seems uncertain we can't shut our brain off with the worry of what could happen. Relationship issues, job discourse, illnesses, there are a lot of reasons to feel emotionally unsafe. 
God wants us to be at peace. He is the Good Shepherd And a good shepherd provides the best for his flock. God, as our Good Shepherd wants to provide the best for us. When we turn our worries over to Him, give Him control of our lives, trust Him to provide for us what we need and protect us, we will have peace.

Blessings, Cecilia

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