Sunday, September 11, 2016

A prayer for our nation.

Dear God, how do we pray for what was lost? We cannot pray for deliverance
or a miracle, for the tragedy has already burned itself into our souls.
Children have grown fatherless. Families are long since bereaved. We know
there is no prayer to change the past. So we pray to live with the memory,
with constant love, with the promise both to combat evil and to cherish
goodness. Do not let our pain cloud our hopes or crush our hearts. Help us
to grow through this tragedy, keep faith with its victims, and sustain our
trust in You. Be close to us as a nation. You know that many believe in
You. You know that many trust in You. You know that many love You. But
sometimes life is so painful, Your ways difficult to understand, and our
world is so confusing. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with pain. Sometimes we
feel tempted to despair. Sometimes we give way to hatred. Sometimes we
doubt, even You. In times of pain, give us comfort. In times of despair,
give us hope. In times of hatred, give us the ability to love. In times of
doubt, give us trust. And even when we feel far from You, be close to us,
in Jesus name, amen. - Author Unknown

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