Monday, September 12, 2016

2 Corinthians 2 Is love an easy thing to display?

Reaffirm Your Love

      1But I determined this for my own sake, that I would not come to you in sorrow again. 2For if I cause you sorrow, who then makes me glad but the one whom I made sorrowful? 3This is the very thing I wrote you, so that when I came, I would not have sorrow from those who ought to make me rejoice; having confidence in you all that my joy would be the joy of you all. 4For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not so that you would be made sorrowful, but that you might know the love which I have especially for you.

As a Christian what is our duty if someone comes to us in sorrow? We are to lift them up in love, hope and prayer! 
Paul wrote a letter to the church, of correction, not to make them sad but to correct and lift them up with all the joy of salvation through Christ. 
Paul reminds us to display love for one another. If it was an easy thing to do, would we need to be reminded?
Remember, if someone comes to you in sorrow, lift them up with the love of Jesus Christ, don't allow the sorrow to spread like leaven in dough. 
If you are corrected with the love of Jesus, accept it, correct it, get over it, and move on. Don't let pride become an issue. 
Do you have a thorn in the flesh as Paul did?

The specific purpose of the thorn in the flesh, as Professor F. F. Bruce put it, is to puncture your pride.

Blessings, David
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