Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I Am Third. Psalm 23:3b

Psalm 23 NASB
3b He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

Sheep are creatures of habit. They will follow the same path until it is eroded into a gully. They will graze the same grass land until there is nothing left but a barren, impoverished field. They will not move on to better pasture until the shepherd directs them to. 

We are creatures of habit too. We continue on the same path until it leads to our own destruction. That destruction usually involves taking those around us with us. We are short sighted and selfish looking out for our own interests. 

When Jesus calls us out of this self centered life style into a life with Him, He calls us to choose a new path, adopt a new perspective of loving Him first, others second and ourselves third. 

We put aside our interests for the interest of others. Its no longer what we want but what Jesus wants us to provide to those around us. 

That's leading us on the paths of righteousness. We do it for His name, to share the Gospel, to show His love. 

You may be the only Bible people ever see. You may be the only contact they ever have with Jesus. Leave a good impression. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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