Monday, September 19, 2016

A Shepherd And His Sheep. Psalm 23:1a

Psalm 23 NLT
A psalm of David. 
1 The LORD is my shepherd

David, who is king of Israel at the time of writing this declares "The LORD is his shepherd". David knew what it was to be a shepherd. He had spent many nights alone with his flock in the hills surrounding Bethlehem. He had time to reflect on who God is and the importance of Him in his life. 

The anthology of God as our shepherd first appears in Genesis and is carried through the New Testament. 

A shepherd was considered one of the lowest "jobs" available. There was no glamour involved, no chance of advancement. Yet it was a very important and dangerous job. Sheep are very stupid animals. That doesn't say much for us as "the sheep" does it? Sheep are fearful, timid, stubborn, and instinctively go with the herd. They require meticulous care and endless attention. They cannot find food or water on their own. If one lamb runs off a cliff the rest will follow. If unprotected, wolves will kill them all because they don't have the sense to run. If they fall down, they cannot get back up without the shepherds help. Without a good shepherd, willing to sacrifice his own life for their well being, the sheep will die. 

Oh, wait, that DOES sound exactly like us and our need for a Savior doesn't it?

Blessings, Cecilia

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