Monday, September 26, 2016

Restoration. Psalm 23:3a

Psalm 23 NASB
3a "He restores my soul"

"The biblical meaning of the word "restoration" is to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition. The main point is that someone or something is improved beyond measure."

I believe sometimes God will unsettle us in order to refine us for His purpose. Metals require heat to become refined. Heating separates the impurities and produces a stronger, purer metal.

When we become complacent, we are no longer effective. That's when God heats things up to reveal the impurities and strengthen us for His use. 

My soul has been unsettled lately. I'm not sure what all God is trying to show me. I know part of what He is showing me is obedience to His word. I know part of what He is showing me is my wanting to withhold forgiveness. I also know that is not all He is unsettling me about.  

Whatever His reason for unsettling me, I know He will also restore my soul to that place of rest. When God has finished His refining of me, He will have restored my soul to a place better then before for His glory so He can use me in some way I have not imagined. 

You can also rest assured, in whatever unsettling you are in the midst of, He will restore your soul back "to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition." Your soul will be "improved beyond measure." 

Blessings, Cecilia

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