Tuesday, November 21, 2017

We deserve nothing but hell.

Charles Manson is dead and David Cassidy is dying. I have seen remarks
about Manson saying "Yeah!!! It is about time he dies!!! Thank God!!!". And
there is grief about David Cassidy saying, "Unfortunately David is very
sick. However he is getting the support he needs, surrounded by the people
he loves most." As we look at the contrast of their lives, we need to
wonder about the state of their hearts. Does one deserve to go to heaven
more than the other? I look at *Romans 3:10 As it is written, None is
righteous, just and truthful and upright and conscientious, no, not one.*
and think what about me, how am I living my life? I know what the word
says, *Romans 10:13 For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord
[invoking Him as Lord] will be saved.* and think wouldn't it of been great
for every Christian to have been praying for Charles Manson's salvation
instead of his death? I think about what kind of celebration would have
been in heaven because of Charles Manson. * Luke 15:7 Thus, I tell you,
there will be more joy in heaven over one [especially] wicked person who
repents (changes his mind, abhorring his errors and misdeeds, and
determines to enter upon a better course of life) than over ninety-nine
righteous persons who have no need of repentance.* There are many people
that think they deserve to go to heaven. I read a quote from D. Martin
Lloyd Jones saying, "Grace is favor shown to people who do not deserve any
favor at all... We deserve nothing but hell. If you think you deserve
heaven, take it from me, you are not a Christian." Maybe the next time you
pray for someone to go to hell, think about the fact, that it is a place we
all deserve to be.


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