Monday, November 13, 2017

1 John 3- How greatly He must have loved you!

16By this we know what love is: Jesus laid down His life for us,....

We could perform a study on this verse that would last months.
Did you know in the Greek there are four different kinds of love? 
Agape is the love that describes Jesus laying down His life for our sins.

“Did the Saviour lay down his life for me? We will read it now, "He laid down his life for me;" and I pray the Lord to help each of you, by faith, to read it so, because, when we say "us", that is dealing in generalities,—blessed generalities, it is true,—but let us, at this time, deal in specialities, and say, each one of us who can do so truthfully, "He laid down his life for me." Then, HOW GREATLY HE MUST HAVE LOVED ME!” (Spurgeon)


Blessings, David 

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