Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Do you trust Me?

"Do you trust Me?" This is a question that I keep hearing God ask me
regularly. My answer is "Yes, I trust you. Help me to trust You more".
Recently, I have been led to go back to college and study Substance Abuse
Counseling, I was an expert in substance abuse. Through this journey, I
have put in my notice at work and they are in process of finding a
replacement for me. I have been asked to help interview people to find
someone good to do my job. This is a little strange, but good. My heart is
for God to bring the right person to help carry on the legacy of what A&M
Shell stands for, honor, integrity, and helping the community. But still, I
have not been unemployed for over 20 years. I have gone from one job on a
Friday to the next on Monday. I could count on the "paycheck" and now I
have to count on God for all provision. I reflect on *Proverbs 3:5 Lean on,
trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do
not rely on your own insight or understanding.6 In all your ways know,
recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and
plain your paths.* and think, am I able to do this? I understand that where
God guides He provides, but I also have doubt. I am moving forward in
faith, trusting as much as I can, with all that I am. I may not know what
the future holds, but I know Who holds my future. Please pray that I
continue to "know, recognize, and acknowledge Him" so that He will direct
and make straight and plain "my" paths. Jesus loves you and I love you too!


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