Wednesday, November 15, 2017

1 John 3- Why?

1 John 3- Why?
18Little children, let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth. 

Did I love my neighbor in action and speech?

Yesterday I was outside working and heard multiple sirens, they stopped at my street and then I heard vehicles rushing down my street. I live in the woods so my judgement was by sound. I wondered if it was my neighbor? A little later I saw two rescue trucks driving out my street with the lead truck, emergency lights flashing. I called my neighbor and left him a voicemail. I asked my wife to call the neighbor’s wife and she suggested texting her which I did. Several hours later she responded to my; “is everything ok?” No (name) is gone. Cecilia showed me the response and said, I don’t know how to take this. I said, it sounds like he passed away. 
She immediately called her and drove down to be with her.

Earlier I heard a gun shot and thought it was someone poaching a deer. But now I know it was my neighbor. He was sick and we didn’t know. He was fighting depression and on medication. The Thursday prior he dove in during a storm to see if we were ok. I never seen him so happy. 
Why didn’t I talk to him about Jesus? 
We that are healthy and logical, struggle to make sense out of mental illness. 
We ask why?
Could we have made a difference if we have known?
Why didn’t I share the gospel with him?
Please pray for his wife and children.
Our Father knows his name.

Blessings, David 

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