Monday, May 14, 2018

Sleep. Psalm 3:5 NLT

How do you sleep at night? Do you toss and turn with a million thoughts going through your head? Do you drift off quickly out of exhaustion from a full day? Is it a peaceful time for you or fret filled? 

I use to suffer from insomnia. My catch phrase at the time was"Sleep is highly overrated ". If you've ever experienced it, it can be very frustrating. Over a 6 year period I averaged 4 hours of interrupted sleep a night. And forget about an afternoon nap, you can't sleep then either. Finally, in year 7 my doctor prescribed a sleep aide for me. I took that for several years until other health problems warranted me discontinuing it. 

Now, I'm able to get a good nights sleep using melatonin. Most nights.

"God sustains us in our sleep, but we take it for granted. But think of it: you are asleep, unconscious, dead to the world – yet you breathe, your heart pumps, your organs operate. The same God who sustains us in our sleep will sustain us in our difficulties." David Guzik

Psalm 3:5 NLT

I lay down and slept,  yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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