Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Genesis 7:2-3 Noah preserved them!

Genesis 7:2“You shall take with you of every clean animal by sevens, a male and his female; and of the animals that are not clean two, a male and his female; 3also of the birds of the sky, by sevens, male and female, to keep offspring alive on the face of all the earth. 

We live in the woods and our house is a cap cod style with an upstairs which has dormers. When it’s hot at night we open a window downstairs and a dormer window upstairs an install a fan in the dormer which draws air from downstairs up an out the dormer window cooling down the house. Last night at 3:30 am I woke up with a horrible smell in the house and I had to get up and close the window.
Was it a bear or a skunk?

How did Noah deal with these animals in the Ark? My guess God made them easy to deal with and neutralized their odors. Yes he kept the bears and skunks alive! “to keep offspring alive on the face of all the earth.”
Next time you see or smell a skunk or bear remember, God created them and Noah preserved them! “to keep offspring alive on the face of all the earth.”

Blessings, David 

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