Monday, May 14, 2018

1 Timothy 5:13 Gossips and Busybodies!

1 Timothy 5:13 At the same time they will also learn to be idle, going from house to house and being not only idle, but also gossips and busybodies, speaking of things they should not mention.

Yesterday during nursery operations a person had stopped by and asked the Nursery Coordinator why they weren’t coming up on the roster to serve in the nursery. The Coordinator politely told the person they could serve at the other end of the church in the Kidz ministry.

A couple weeks ago this person was caught spreading false gossip. This added to the list of distractions this person participated in concerning the nursery. So the Coordinator removed the person from the volunteer roster. 

“but also gossips and busybodies, speaking of things they should not mention”.

Our sin has consequences, and even though we are to forgive as Jesus forgave us, it doesn’t mean we have to restore a relationship.

I also believe the nursery is under attack because it is effective for our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Please pray for this person!
Please pray for the nursery!

Blessings, David 

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