Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Jesus is My Defender. Psalm 4:2-3 NLT

Years ago, when I worked in the Staffing Office at the County Hospital, there was a woman who worked there who didn't like me, solely because I got the position she applied for. When we had to work together, we got along fine but behind my back.....watch out! 

One day, I had another employee tell me Sharon was spreading rumors about me. They proceeded to tell me some pretty outlandish stuff. My response was "Isn't that interesting". As I walked away I thought to myself "Jesus will defend me, the truth will come out." I didn't give it another thought. Over time, as people got to know me, they learned the truth. 

Gossip, groundless accusations, lies, someone trying to ruin your reputation? They tried it with David, they tried it with Jesus, I'm sure someone has tried it with you. Let Jesus be your defender. 

Psalm 4:2-3 NLT
2 How long will you people ruin my reputation?
How long will you make groundless accusations?
How long will you continue your lies?
3 You can be sure of this:
The LORD set apart the godly for Himself.
The LORD will answer when I call to Him.

Blessings, Cecilia

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