Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Despair. Psalm 3:1-2 NLT

We all have those times where nothing goes right and it seems everyone is against us. Maybe we cry out to God and we don't think He's listening because nothing is changing. We feel total despair.

David was feeling this way when he wrote this psalm. His son was trying to overthrow his leadership and David had to flee to preserve his life. He had cried out to God but God seemed silent. 

“If all the trials which come from heaven, all the temptations which ascend from hell, and all the crosses which arise from the earth, could be mixed and pressed together, they would not make a trial so terrible as that which is contained in this verse. It is the most bitter of all afflictions to be led to fear that there is no help for us in God.” (Spurgeon)

One person had it worse then David. He had it worse then me. He had it worse then you. No matter how difficult life gets, no matter how far God seems to be, no matter how lonely and abandoned you feel, Jesus had it worse when He hung on that cross. 
Because He hung on that cross, He is always with you. 

Psalm 3:1-2 NLT 
1 O LORD, I have so many enemies; 
so many are against me. 
2 So many are saying, 
“God will never rescue him!” 

Blessings, Cecilia 

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