Friday, August 12, 2016

Life is busy

Life is busy. I remember as a child, family get togethers, playing games and hanging out. As times have changed, so has priorities. Our society has become so caught up with doing things and getting stuff that we have seem to of forgotten the importance of relationships and encouraging people. As believers, we have a responsibility to give to those in need, strengthen the brokenhearted, and fellowship. Fellowship - 2 fellows in the same ship. The one thing that most believers have in common is that they were once lost and now they have been found. No matter what your past was, we are "Brethren". God has given us great gifts, and those gifts are the family that we are in, the time we have to give and the money we are to share. When given the opportunity, give what you have, invest in the kingdom and watch it grow.
Acts2:45 And they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing the proceeds with all [the other believers], as anyone had need.46 Day after day they met in the temple [area] continuing with one mind, and breaking bread in various private homes. They were eating their meals together with joy and generous hearts, 47 praising God continually, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord kept adding to their number daily those who were being saved.


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