Thursday, August 4, 2016

Keeping up with the Joneses

Prov15:16 Better is a little with the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the
Lord Than great treasure and trouble with it. 17 Better is a dinner of
vegetables and herbs where love is present Than a fattened ox served with
Striving to keep up with the"Joneses" seems to be the American way of life.
Work harder, get more stuff, do whatever you need to. Sometimes, I look at
the homeless people and envy them in a way. Simple life, worrying only
about today and being content. I have lived a life when I was awake for 14
days (drug induced) and was never able to get everything done that needed
to get done. I was doing everything I could to make more. A simple life is
when you have time to sit with family and just know that you are loved.
Being a victim of divorce, I have experienced a dinner where there is
resentment, almost hatred, where deep down it was not a good experience. I
have also felt peace when it is family and people that you love and that
love you. Most of all, the peace is there when God is there. Brethren, may
we live in the fear of the Lord and understand that less can be a great


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