Sunday, August 21, 2016

Have you forsaken the Lord your God?

The FEAR of the Lord God has seem to of gone by the wayside for most people
in today's world. There are many things that we as individuals do everyday
that are not pleasing to God. The words and comments that we make, the
things we look at, the things that we do. Sometimes we have desires that
are not of God and are just of the flesh. There are many that want to be
rich and famous and are willing to sell their own souls to the devil to get
fame and fortune. Our nation, as a whole seems to of rejected God and all
that He is for the sake of comfort and pleasure. God's word is true and is
filled with many warnings. As Jeremiah spoke to the people of Jerusalem, I
believe that we must take these words to heart as well.

Jer2:19 Your own wickedness will correct you, And your backslidings will
rebuke you. Know therefore and see that *it is* an evil and bitter *thing*
That you have forsaken the Lord your God, And the fear of Me *is* not in
you,” Says the Lord God of hosts.(NKJV)


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