Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jesus loved you to death!

1John4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone
who loves is born of God and knows God. 19 We love Him because He first
loved us.

The perfect example of love is found in Jesus. Everything He did was for
others. For many in the Christian faith, love is difficult to express,
especially for men. Love is what changes lives. To take an active interest
in someone else's life is the first step to bringing an unbeliever to
Christ and strengthening young believers in the faith. There are many
different views of who Jesus is. Some believe that He was just a good man,
others a prophet, some even believe that He wasn't really alive, that He is
only a philosophy. For me, it is easy to share the love of Jesus because He
is my best friend. Jesus loved me first, from the foundations of the world,
to the hills of Calvary, to the day of my salvation when I was all alone at
my house wanting to die. Beloved, let us love with everything that we are,
because Jesus loved us to the death.


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