Thursday, January 3, 2019

Who is this Lord? Psalm 23-1a

Psalm 23:1a NLT

1The LORD is my shepherd

Who is this Lord? The Creator of the heavens, that vast, dark night sky dotted with billions upon billions of tiny specks of light. Yet, those tiny specks of light are large in comparison to our sun, a small star our little tiny earth revolves around. My Lord created all that. 

I am just one person on that tiny earth revolving around that small star in that dark vast heaven. And my Lord loves me as if I were the only one on that tiny earth. 

The Lord that is so powerful, creative and imaginative, to make all of those majestic planets and stars and solar systems that spin and revolve yet stay in their place, that Lord loves me. Me. You. Its hard to wrap the mind around, isn't it? 

Watch this:

Blessings, Cecilia

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