Monday, January 28, 2019

A River Runs Through It. Psalm 23:2b NLT

Psalm 23:2b NLT

He leads me beside peaceful streams. 

Yesterday at church Pastor was teaching about Joshua leading the Israelites across the Jordan River. He explained how the Lord heaped up the waters only after the priests first stepped into the river. The river was not a babbling brook at that time of the year. It was a raging, overflowing river filled with water from snow melt. Two points I didn't hear Pastor make, one I know from experience, the water was probably freezing cold and two, the passage states the Israelites crossed on dry ground. 

Near our home in Arizona was a large wash. It carried the mountain run off from snow melt and heavy rain. Most of the year it was completely dry. You could easily follow the trail across it and hike up into the canyon. It was one of my favorite places to go. 

In the spring when the snow melted on Mount Lemmon the wash was a raging river. Add a few days of good rain in there and the wash became a dangerous debris filled foaming brown torrent of cold, cold water. So destructive was it at times it actually eroded a new route through the boulders and trees that made up  it's banks. During this time you could actually hear the wash  from our back yard a mile away. 

In his teaching yesterday Pastor debunked the secular explanation for the Jordan River stopping it's flow for the Israelites to cross. Some claim an earthquake could have dumped boulders into the river and stopped the water flow for several hours. Evidently this has happened twice in recorded history. 

Yeah, well maybe, but then how do you explain the dry ground part? 

Joshua 3:17b NLT
"the whole nation of Israel had crossed the Jordan on dry ground."

 That verse alone has me convinced God did it. 

Now Pastors point was about stepping out in faith, trusting God and crossing the Jordan Rivers in our life. I've got mine, what is yours? 

Blessings, Cecilia

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