Monday, January 14, 2019

Top Dog. Psalm 23:2a NLT

Psalm 23:2a NLT
2 He lets me rest in green meadows

"Because of the social behavior within a flock, sheep will not lie down unless they are free from friction with others of their kind."

David and I once owned a wolf hybrid. Her name was Grizzly because as a pup, when I cradled her in my arms, with her little round ears and stubby little nose I told her she looked just like a little grizzly bear.  That was it, the name stuck. Besides, it was better then what David wanted to call her which was De-oh-gee.  D-O-G. Dog. Get it?

Anyway, Grizzly thought she was the alpha female. She would not listen to me or behave. Trying to train her was increasingly frustrating. A lady I worked with at the time trained german shepherds. She suggested a dog training book I was able to pick up at the library. It was called "How to be Your Dogs Best Friend" by the Monks of New Skeet.

In the book it gave three different levels of discipline technologies to use on dogs, level three was for strong willed dogs or those that wanted to be alpha. The book stated if you tried level one and it didn't work, try level two. If two didn't work, go to three, three usually worked but sometimes it took a couple of tries before they submitted authority.

Grizzly was definitely a level three offender. Level three in the area of alpha dog was to push the dog down onto the floor or ground, roll them on their back, pin their shoulders, stare them in the eyes and forcefully say NO! Once she accepted her place as beta dog, I had no more problems. She became a very well behaved, loving dog although from time to time had to be reminded I was the alpha.

If we are constantly fighting to be in a position of control, we cannot surrender control to the One who is always in control. We cannot rest in His perfect peace. We cannot rest in green pastures. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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