Thursday, May 4, 2017

Are you struggling to make it through the day?

God has blessed me with many things that I am sure the "world" would not
consider a blessing. These blessings have made me into the person I am
today and enable me to be able to minister to many different types of
people on many different levels. I have been blessed with surviving!
Surviving drug addiction, alcoholism, homelessness, adultery by a spouse,
abandonment by my own children, divorce, the death of a parent, loneliness,
suicidal actions, and so many other things that I am too ashamed to
mention. Every sin and problem common to man I have had a part of. The day
after I came to Christ I lost everything, my wife, my children, my home, my
freedom, my rights, and then God had my attention and had some thing to
work with as well. After going through all of that, God has been able to
use me for His glory. I look to the words of Paul, *1 Cor 9:22 To the weak
I became [as the] weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all
men, so that I may by all means [in any and every way] save some [by
leading them to faith in Jesus Christ]. 23 And I do all this for the sake
of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings along with you.* My
life has not been glorious and I do not always have the joy of the Lord
that everyone can see, but I want to encourage all that are struggling to
make it through the day. Today we are closer to heaven than yesterday. God
has a plan and purpose for you and all that you have gone through. Whenever
you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you
have come. Jesus loves you and so do I. You are not alone.


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