Monday, July 18, 2016

John 7:40-52 See the Love

John 7
Division and Unbelief 
40 When the crowds heard him say this, some of them declared, “Surely this man is the Prophet we’ve been expecting.” 41 Others said, “He is the Messiah.” Still others said, “But He can’t be! Will the Messiah come from Galilee? 42 For the Scriptures clearly state that the Messiah will be born of the royal line of David, in Bethlehem, the village where King David was born.” 43 So the crowd was divided about Him. 44 Some even wanted Him arrested, but no one laid a hand on Him. 45 When the Temple guards returned without having arrested Jesus, the leading priests and Pharisees demanded, “Why didn’t you bring Him in?” 46 “We have never heard anyone speak like this!” the guards responded. 47 “Have you been led astray, too?” the Pharisees mocked. 48 “Is there a single one of us rulers or Pharisees who believes in Him? 49 This foolish crowd follows him, but they are ignorant of the law. God’s curse is on them!” 50 Then Nicodemus, the leader who had met with Jesus earlier, spoke up. 51 “Is it legal to convict a man before he is given a hearing?” he asked. 52 They replied, “Are you from Galilee, too? Search the Scriptures and see for yourself—no prophet ever comes from Galilee!”

[The most ancient Greek manuscripts do not include John 7:53–8:11.] 53 Then the meeting broke up, and everybody went home. 

The Pharisees were bitter, arrogant men. They could not accept the truth. Jesus was not who they imagined the Messiah to be so they would not accept Him. They were too caught up in the law to see the love. 

How many of us know people like the Pharisees? Too smart to believe in such foolishness as Christ. Too wise to believe in a God that created everything. Maybe their hearts are bitter from life. Maybe it's too hard to believe because life's been too hard. Maybe they have seen too much horror and human depravity. 

Maybe it's because of a lack of Christ in their life that makes them bitter and arrogant. 

When I was a kid, prayer was removed from public school. Evolution started being taught. It was the first step in our nation away from God. Look were we are today. In a country, in a world that increasingly wants to silence God things will only get worse ....... and worse. 

Nicodemus stood up for Christ. He was one of the first to do so. He was ridiculed, he was mocked. And we will be too. I would rather be ridiculed and mocked for Christ then conform to a world without Him. I would rather see the love. 

What about you?

Blessings, Cecilia

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