Monday, July 25, 2016

Blinded By The Light John 9:35-41

John 9
Spiritual Blindness 
35 When Jesus heard what had happened, He found the man and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” 36 The man answered, “Who is He, sir? I want to believe in Him.” 37 “You have seen Him,” Jesus said, “and He is speaking to you!” 38 “Yes, Lord, I believe!” the man said. And He worshiped Jesus. 39 Then Jesus told him, “I entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.” 40 Some Pharisees who were standing nearby heard Him and asked, “Are you saying we’re blind?” 41“If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty,” Jesus replied. “But you remain guilty because you claim you can see. 

Knowledge can be a dangerous thing if not used correctly. The Pharisees, with all their knowledge of scripture were blind to the truth about who the Messiah would be. They placed themselves above everyone else. They believed themselves to be better because of their knowledge. They were blinded by their knowledge. 

Sometimes when we read the Bible or hear a sermon we can think of someone who needs to hear that message. We think "I wish Johnny was here, he really needs to hear this." Maybe we pray for an opportunity in the near future to share this message with Johnny. What if we listen and instead think "O.K. Lord, what are you trying to tell ME through this message?" Those are the times the Lord reveals something that needs to change in me. It turns my prayer for Johnny to a prayer that I will  love Johnny the way Jesus does. And ultimately, that's what Jesus wants us to do. Love others the way He does, with a humble heart instead of eyes blinded by knowledge. 

Blessings, Cecilia

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