Monday, June 4, 2018

Isiah 40:30-31 Who’s strength will you rely on?

Isaiah 40:30Though youths grow weary and tired, (fatigued)
            And vigorous young men stumble badly,
      31Yet those who wait for the LORD
            Will gain new strength;
            They will mount up with wings like eagles,
            They will run and not get tired,
            They will walk and not become weary.

Why do we get fatigued? Causes could be mental or physical. Environmental, including allergies or autoimmune disorders.
In my case it was an iodine deficiency. For years I avoided salt with additives thinking it was bad for me. Turns out I was robbing my thyroid of food. I now am doing iodine therapy which took care of my chronic fatigue but once in a while, allergies bring on fatigue.

In Isaiah we see everyone can be affected by fatigue, growing weary and tired. But look what verse 31 says; “31Yet those who wait for the LORD
            Will gain new strength;
            They will mount up with wings like eagles,
            They will run and not get tired,
            They will walk and not become weary.”
God sustains us and gives us strength.

Even those of us who are working in ministries will grow weary and tired! We must pray before working in the ministry because we can’t do it on our own and those of us that do will fail.
Pray for the ministry, pray for protection, pray for strength and pray for those whom you are serving!

Who’s strength will you rely on?
Yours or His?

Blessings, David 

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