Friday, February 19, 2021

Numbers 7:6-9 Carry on Their Shoulders

 6So Moses took the carts and oxen and gave them to the Levites. 7He gave the Gershonites two carts and four oxen, as their service required, 8and he gave the Merarites four carts and eight oxen, as their service required, all under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest. 9But he did not give any to the Kohathites, since they were to carry on their shoulders the holy objects for which they were responsible.

Carry on their shoulders 

My wife read me an article this morning about a mayor in TX that posted on FB basically telling constituents they they have to stop whining and be prepared to care for their own families and not wait on the government to help them. With the backlash his wife was laid off from her job and he had to resign.

But isn’t personal responsibility taught to us in the Bible?

Proverbs 6: 6Walk in the manner of the ant, O slacker;

observe its ways and become wise.

7Without a commander,

without an overseer or ruler,

8it prepares its provisions in summer;

it gathers its food at harvest.

Carry on your shoulders the responsibility for yourself and your family by using what the good Lord has given you. Be prepared with provisions 🍱, water 💦 and alternative sources of heat 🔥.

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up all those today without food, water and heat. Please help them with the basic necessities of human life like You do with the sparrow.

In Jesus name I pray. 🙏


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