Saturday, February 13, 2021

Because Of Jesus. Jude 1:2

 “I deserve it!”  “I earned it!” How many times have we said those words? How many times have we heard them from someone else? I for one am glad I don’t always get what I deserve. I’ve committed my share of sin. I’ve done and said things I regret and I’m not proud of it. I’ve wished for “do overs“ and occasionally I still do.  I deserve punishment. I deserve Hell. I deserve to be eternally separated from God. But I won’t be. How do I know? Because of Jesus. Jesus took my punishment. Jesus experienced Hell for me. Jesus for a brief time was separated from God so that I wouldn’t have to be. Jesus got what He didn’t deserve so that I wouldn’t get what I deserve. That’s mercy. 

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

In His Name

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