Thursday, February 11, 2021

Numbers 6:6-8 Dead Bodies

 6Throughout the days of his separation to the LORD, he must not go near a dead body. 7Even if his father or mother or brother or sister should die, he is not to defile himself, because the crown of consecration to his God is upon his head. 8Throughout the time of his separation, he is holy to the LORD.

“Dead bodies - even those of a close relative - were not to be approached during the vow of a Nazirite. Separation from death - the effect of sin - was essential during the period of the vow.” (Guzik)

Dead bodies

I was with both my parents and my grandmother when their souls departed this world. To be around someone who is dying is a special kind of strength that not everyone has or can endure.

On a particular Father’s Day my son and I went dirt bike riding in the mountains in the Southwest and we had stopped for lunch under a 150 year old juniper tree. His dog started to wander and I figured I better get her because of the mountain lions in the area. When I got up and walked over the hill I had found a deceased illegal alien. I protected my son by not letting him see the dead body. Fortunately he had Identification on him and authorities were able to send his remains back home to Mexico City.

The Lord used these experiences to prepare me for the chaplaincy.

We all have experiences that shape us, but it’s how you use them that sums up who we become. 

God can turn your bad experiences into “good” of His kingdom.


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