Monday, February 15, 2021

Numbers 6:16-17 Our Sin Offering

 16The priest is to present all these before the LORD and make the sin offering and the burnt offering. 17He shall also offer the ram as a peace offering to the LORD, along with the basket of unleavened bread. And the priest is to offer the accompanying grain offering and drink offering.

Our Sin Offering

“I remember one joining this church who said, “Sir, I had faith once in Christ glorified, but it never gave me comfort. I have now come to a faith in Christ crucified, and I have peace.” At Calvary there is the comfort, and there only. That Jesus lives is delightful, but the basis of the delight is, “He lives who once was slain.” That He will reign forever is a most precious doctrine of our faith, but that the hand that wields the silver scepter, once was pierced, is the great secret of the joy.

O beloved, abide not in any place from which your eye cannot behold the cross of Christ. When you are thinking of the doctrines of the Gospel, or the precepts of the Word, or studying the prophecies of Scripture, never let your mind relinquish the study of the cross. The cross was the place of your spiritual birth. It must ever be the spot for renewing your health, for it is the sanatorium of every sin-sick soul.

The blood is the true balm of Gilead. It is the only catholicon which heals every spiritual disease. Come, sin-sick soul, and breathe the air which was purified when the blood of the heart of Jesus fell from His wounds to the ground, for no spiritual disease can abide the presence of the healing blood. Hurry, you weak ones, to Calvary, and partake in God-given strength and vigor. It is from Calvary that you shall see the Sun of righteousness arising with healing beneath His wings. The beloved Physician meets His patients at the foot of the cross and relieves them from all their ills.” (Spurgeon)


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