Friday, February 19, 2021

No Matter. Jude 1:2

 We just celebrated Valentines Day, a day that has come to represent expressing our love for our significant other. 

There are a number of martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14, including an account of the imprisonment of Saint Valentine of Rome for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire in the third century. According to an early tradition, Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer. Numerous later additions to the legend have better related it to the theme of love: an 18th-century embellishment to the legend claims he wrote the jailer's daughter a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell before his execution; another addition posits that Saint Valentine performed weddings for Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry.” Wikipedia 

The Greek language has four different words use to express love. 

Agape: Unconditional love; the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation
Phileo: Love between friends
Eros: The sense of being in love; romantic love
Storge: Love of family; Parent/child, siblings, cousins, etc. In a very close family, agape is felt as well.

God loves you with agape love, unconditionally. No matter what you’ve done, no matter how far you’ve fallen, no matter how entrenched you are in sin, God agapes you. All you have to do is ask Him to forgive you and turn from your sin, repent. 

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

In His Name

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