Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Key To Wisdom. Proverb 3:7 NLT

The great hindrance to all true wisdom is the thought that we have already attained it. Albert Barnes [1834]. 

I remember when one of our nephews was little and would come to visit. We would take walks or work in the garden and talk about the nature around us. He was always asking "Why?" to the point it drove me batty! Ah, the inquisitive mind of a child. 
When we become teenagers, we think we know it all. We listen to no one and make stupid mistakes, some life altering. 

As we mature, we learn to seek advice from those wiser, usually the parents we once thought were idiots. We learn to think through things a little more before making decisions. We learn to admit we don't know all the answers. 

I think the key to wisdom boils down to just staying humble. If we think we know all the answers, we're libel to learn the hard way.

Proverb 3:7 NLT 
7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. 
Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil. 

Blessings, Cecilia 

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