Friday, December 7, 2018

Genesis 23:5-9 Burying your dead.

5The Hittites replied to Abraham, 6“Listen to us, sir. You are God’s chosen one among us. Bury your dead in the finest of our tombs. None of us will withhold his tomb for burying your dead.”
7Then Abraham rose and bowed down before the people of the land, the Hittites. 8“If you are willing for me to bury my dead,” he said to them, “listen to me, and approach Ephron son of Zohar on my behalf 9to sell me the cave of Machpelah that belongs to him; it is at the end of his field. Let him sell it to me in your presence for full price, so that I may have a burial site.”

Abraham was a foreigner in the land and he understood his home was in heaven. He had traveled around Canaan and was familiar with the cave of Machpelah. His desire was to purchase it and to bury Sarah there.

“ Over the cave stand a large rectangular enclosure dating from the Herodian-era.[2] Byzantine Christians took it over and built a Basilica which after the Muslim conquest was converted into the Ibrahimi Mosque. Crusaders took over the site in the 12th century, but it was taken back by Saladin 1188 and reconverted into a mosque.[3] Israel took control of the site in 1967, dividing the structure into a synagogue and a mosque.[4] In 1994, the Hebron massacre occurred in which a Jewish settler killed 29 Muslims praying in the mosque.
The site is considered by Jews to be the second holiest place in the world, after the Temple Mount.[5]”

In the state of Michigan, the law allows you to create a burial grounds of less than one acre on your land and it will be recorded as a burial ground and become exempt from property taxes.

Where are you planning burying your dead? 

Blessings, David 

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