Saturday, December 23, 2017

I Can't Get No Satisfaction. Genesis 30:22-24 NLT

God wants to bless us like a loving parent giving good things to a child. But just as you can't reward a child for bad behavior, God can't reward us when we aren't faithful to Him. When He does bless us, when He answers our prayers, are we thankful? Do we praise Him? Is it enough or like Rachel, do we just want more? 

Rachel had barely finished given birth and was asking God for more. She finally gets what she longed for most, a son with Jacob yet it wasn't enough. She didn't want a son as a reflection of her love for Jacob, she wanted a son to save her reputation and in retaliation against her sister and her numerous sons. Maybe if she hadn't gotten into this silly competition of producing babies, God would have blessed her sooner. 

How many blessings have you missed out on because of your lack of faith? How many gifts has God withheld because of your rebellion? I wonder about that sometimes and try to conduct myself in a way deserving of God's love. 

Genesis 30:22-24 NLT 

22 Then God remembered Rachel’s plight and answered her prayers by enabling her to have children.  23 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. “God has removed my disgrace,” she said.  24 And she named him Joseph,  for she said, “May the LORD add yet another son to my family.” 

Blessings, Cecilia

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